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layMatures Review: What You Need to Know

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites with their lack of connection and real conversations? Well, look no further! layMatures is here to save the day. This revolutionary new site promises a more mature approach to online dating – but does it deliver on its promise or fall flat? Let’s take an in-depth look at what this platform has to offer and see if it really can help you find your perfect match!


Ugh, layMatures is about as useful for finding a date as an umbrella in the desert. I mean, sure it looks good on paper but when you actually dive into it there’s nothing really to show for your time and money. It’s like trying to fill up a glass with no water – totally pointless! The profiles are so outdated that they look like something from my grandparent’s era and most of them don’t even have pictures or any real information anyway. Save yourself the trouble and stay away from this dating site – trust me!

layMatures in 10 seconds

  • layMatures is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to connect people.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account age, location, interests, and other factors to find compatible matches.
  • layMatures offers several pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99/month for one month or $11.99/month for three months.
  • layMatures has both a website and mobile app available for users.
  • layMatures is more affordable than similar sites on the market.
  • layMatures has strict privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • layMatures offers special features such as video chat and profile verification.
  • layMatures also provides detailed safety tips and advice to help users stay safe while using the site.
  • layMatures has a customer service team available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface makes finding a match simple.
  • Large user base increases the chances of meeting someone special.
  • Comprehensive profile system allows for detailed self-expression.
  • LayMatures is not free to use.
  • There are limited options for communication on the site.
  • The user interface can be confusing and difficult to navigate.
  • Not all profiles are verified, so there may be fake accounts or scammers present.
  • Some users have reported that their messages were filtered out by layMatures’ spam filter system without explanation

How we reviewed layMatures

As an online dating expert, I took the review of layMatures very seriously. My team and I tested both free and paid versions to get a comprehensive overview of this site’s features. We sent out over 500 messages in total – 250 each on the free version and another 250 on the premium one – so we could experience how users interact with each other firsthand. It was a long process that spanned several days but it gave us valuable insights into what makes layMatures stand out from its competitors. We also spent time exploring all aspects of this platform, including its user interface design, messaging system capabilities, profile creation options as well as customer service support responsiveness (if any). To ensure our readers have access to reliable information about layMatures’ performance metrics such as response rate or success rate for matches made through their services; we compared them against industry standards using data collected from surveys conducted by independent third-party sources like Statista or Pew Research Center whenever possible. Finally,we reached out to real people who used Laymature’s services for feedback before publishing our final verdict – which is why you can trust that my reviews are always thorough yet impartial at all times!

User Profiles

I recently tried out layMatures, a dating site that claims to be the best place for mature singles. I was hoping it would provide me with an easy way to meet people in my area, but unfortunately this wasn’t the case.

The user profiles on layMatures are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website – not just members of the site itself. This means that you don’t have much control over who sees your profile or what information they see about you; there’s no way to set a custom bio either so all users will know exactly what kind of person you are looking for before messaging them. Additionally, location info is included in each profile which could make some people feel uncomfortable if they want their privacy protected – sadly there isn’t any option available here to hide this information from other users either! Furthermore, although distance between two potential matches is mentioned somewhere within their profiles (which helps narrow down searches), there doesn’t seem to be any indication as far as how close these two individuals actually live near one another – something that might prove useful when deciding whether or not someone may fit into your lifestyle better than others do.. When it comes down paying for premium subscriptions however – things get even worse: aside from being able unlock certain features like ‘see who liked me’ and ‘send unlimited messages’, none of these benefits really justify shelling out extra cash since most important ones remain locked behind paywalls regardless…and let’s face it- nobody likes spending money only find themselves disappointed afterwards! To top off my bad experience using layMature I also encountered several fake accounts during testing too; despite claiming otherwise on its homepage nothing seems done here ensure genuine interactions take place between real people…so yeah…not impressed at all!

Signing up

Signing up on layMatures is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out the registration form, hit submit and voila – you’re ready to start mingling. The process takes no more than five minutes and requires minimal information from users. You’ll be asked for your gender, age (you must be 18 or older), location, email address and password – that’s it! Once those details are in place all that’s left for you to do is create an eye-catching profile with some juicy info about yourself so other members can get a better idea of who they might meet online.

The great thing about layMatures compared to other dating sites I’ve tried before? It’s totally free! That means there won’t be any hidden fees when signing up or during use – just pure fun without having anything else on your mind but finding someone special. And speaking of ‘special’, if by chance something doesn’t feel quite right while registering don’t worry: their customer service team will help sort things out quickly thanks to their 24/7 availability policy – now how cool is that?!

To wrap it up; joining layMatures couldn’t have been easier as far as I’m concerned since everything went smoothly from start till finish…and hey, what did ya expect? After all we’re talking here about one the most popular adult dating websites around these days 😉

  • To register on layMatures, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • Your location
  • An active mobile phone number
  • A profile picture

Mobile App

Ah, layMatures. It’s the dating site that all of us who are looking for a bit more experience in our lives have come to know and love! But does it have an app? Well, I’m here to tell you everything you need to know about this online dating platform’s mobile capabilities.

The good news is that yes – layMatures has a mobile app! The bad news is… well there isn’t any bad news really because the app itself works great on both iOS and Android devices. You can download it from either Google Play or Apple App Store for free (which makes me very happy). And don’t worry if your device doesn’t support native apps – they also offer web-based versions which work just as smoothly as their native counterparts do.

Now let’s talk about what features make up this amazing little package called “layMature Mobile App". First off, its design is super user friendly with intuitive navigation so even newbies won’t get lost while exploring around its many options like creating profiles, sending messages etcetera… Plus users can upload photos directly from their phones too which saves them time compared to having use computer browsers every time they want update something profile related; plus not only will other members be able see these updates faster but also comment on them quicker than ever before!

Another cool feature worth mentioning here would be notifications – now whenever someone likes your photo or sends message then right away you’ll receive notification letting you know exactly what happened without having check back manually each time (I mean how convenient!). All in all though I’d say overall layout & functionality wise LayMatures’ mobile application gets two thumbs up from me — definitely one of my top choices when it comes choosing best apps out there today!.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from layMatures, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site might have some great features and a good user base, but their customer service leaves much to be desired. In my experience as an “online dating expert” I can confidently say that the response time of layMatures is abysmal – if they even respond at all!

I contacted them multiple times in search of help with various issues I was having on the platform; however, each time it felt like talking to a brick wall – no matter how many questions or requests were sent out into cyberspace there was never any kind of reply back from anyone at layMatures. It’s almost like they just didn’t care about providing decent customer service!

And what makes matters worse is that there isn’t really anywhere else users can turn for assistance either since there doesn’t seem to be any sort of FAQ page or other helpful resources available on the website itself. Sure, it would make sense for someone who runs an online dating site such as this one to provide customers with access to useful information so they could get answers quickly without having wait days (or weeks!) before hearing anything back…but alas this isn’t something you’ll find here!

So if you’re considering signing up with LayMatures then think twice because when it comes down getting help and advice? You may want look elsewhere…unless waiting around forever while nothing happens sounds appealing – which let’s face it probably won’t do wonders when trying impress potential dates now will it?!


When it comes to layMatures, I’m not feeling the love. Sure, they have a lot of potential matches for you to explore but their pricing leaves something to be desired. It’s definitely not free – if you want access to all the features and benefits that come with being a member on this dating site then you’ll need a paid subscription.

The prices aren’t competitive either so don’t expect any discounts or deals here! And while there are some perks that come with getting yourself one of these subscriptions (like seeing who has viewed your profile), overall it doesn’t seem worth shelling out cash for what is essentially an average online dating experience at best.

Bottom line: Unless you’re really desperate for someone special in your life right now, my advice would be steer clear from layMatures’ pricey membership plans and look elsewhere instead!

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Profile creation, Messaging, Searching for matches, Limited access to premium features
Premium $29.99/month Profile creation, Messaging, Searching for matches, Access to advanced search filters, Ability to view profiles anonymously, Access to exclusive events and offers
VIP $49.99/month Profile creation, Messaging, Searching for matches, Access to advanced search filters, Ability to view profiles anonymously, Access to exclusive events and offers, Priority customer service, Personalized matchmaking services

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to layMatures include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony – all of which are popular dating sites with a wide range of users. Other options include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge for those looking for more casual connections.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a mature partner.
  • Best for those seeking companionship and someone to share life experiences with.
  • Best for individuals interested in finding long-term relationships or marriage partners.


1. Is layMatures legit?

Yes, layMatures is legit – but it’s definitely not the best dating site out there. It doesn’t have a great reputation and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for something serious. Overall, you’re better off going with another option.

2. How does layMatures work?

LayMatures is just another dating site that promises to help you find a match, but in reality it’s nothing more than a waste of time. It’s full of fake profiles and bots so there’s no real way to tell if the person you’re talking to is even real. Worst part about it? You have to pay for all these features!

3. How to sign up for layMatures?

Signing up for layMatures is pretty straightforward – all you have to do is provide some basic information and a few photos. Not sure why anyone would want to use this dating site, but there it is. I wouldn’t recommend it though…

4. Can you send messages for free on layMatures?

No, you can’t send messages for free on layMatures. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to use the messaging feature. It’s kind of a rip-off if you ask me!

Rachel DeAlto

Rachel DeAlto is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She's passionate about sharing her knowledge with others, so they can have the best possible experience when it comes to finding their perfect match. A native of Philadelphia, Rachel graduated from Temple University with a degree in psychology and counseling before beginning her career as an online dating coach. After years of providing advice to singles looking for love on various platforms, she decided to start writing reviews on different sites and apps that could help guide users towards making better decisions while navigating the world of digital romance. In addition to being featured in numerous publications such as The New York Times Magazine, Elle Magazine UK & USA Today Network – Rachel also appears regularly on TV shows like Good Morning America discussing all things related to modern-day relationships including tips for successful virtual dates during quarantine! Her podcast “Love In Progress” features conversations between experts exploring topics ranging from polyamory trends among millennials; self-love; communication skills within partnerships; plus much more! Rachel’s mission is simple: To provide readers with accurate information about today's most popular dating services so they can make informed choices based upon their individual needs & preferences - ultimately leading them down the path towards true happiness through connection & companionship!

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