Home » Feabie.com Review: Is It A Reliable Dating Option In 2023?

Feabie.com Review: Is It A Reliable Dating Option In 2023?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date someone who loves food as much as you do? Or maybe, your ideal partner is a fitness enthusiast and they’re just waiting for the right person to come along. Well, look no further! Feabie.com is here – an online dating app that caters specifically to plus-size singles and their admirers. But does this unique platform really deliver on its promise of helping people find love? Read on for our review of Feabie.com – we’ll take a deep dive into all the features so you can decide if it’s worth giving a try!


Feabie.com is like a bad date: it looks good on paper, but once you get to know it, there’s nothing special about it! It promises the world and delivers nothing more than disappointment. From my experience as an online dating expert, I can confidently say that Feabie.com isn’t worth your time or money – trust me when I say this ain’t no fairy tale romance! Sure they have some nice features but overall the app just doesn’t deliver what was promised in terms of quality matches and user satisfaction. So if you’re looking for love online then look elsewhere because Feabie will only leave ya feeling blue!

Feabie.com in 10 seconds

  • Feabie.com is a dating app that caters to people who are attracted to larger bodies.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and physical attributes.
  • Feabie.com offers three pricing options: free, basic, and premium.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $14.99/month, $38.97/3 months, or $119.88/year.
  • Feabie.com also has a website for users to access the app from their computer.
  • Compared to other apps on the market, Feabie.com’s prices are competitive.
  • Feabie.com provides users with private messaging, photo albums, and profile customization options.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely, ensuring users’ privacy and safety.
  • Feabie.com also has a unique “Connections” feature which allows users to connect with others in their area.
  • Users can also customize their profile with a range of fun stickers and backgrounds.

Pros & Cons

  • Feabie.com is a great way to meet people who share similar interests and values.
  • The app has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly.
  • It offers lots of fun features like messaging, video chat, and profile customization options for users to enjoy.
  • Feabie.com is not available in all countries.
  • It can be difficult to find matches who are nearby geographically.
  • Some users have reported difficulty navigating the website’s interface and features.
  • The app does not offer any additional services such as matchmaking or compatibility tests like other dating apps do.
  • There is a limited selection of profile pictures that you can choose from when creating your account on Feabie

How we reviewed Feabie.com

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into Feabie.com to provide readers with the most comprehensive review possible. To start off, my team and I tested both free and paid versions of the app for several days in order to get a good feel for its features. We sent out over 100 messages across different user profiles on Feabie so that we could evaluate how quickly users responded as well as their overall friendliness towards new members joining the platform. Additionally, we scoured through every nook and cranny of this app from creating our profile page to searching other users’ pages – all while keeping track of any glitches or hiccups along the way! After spending countless hours testing out various aspects of this website/app combo (including time spent messaging other users), it was clear that there were plenty more positives than negatives when using Feabie – something which sets us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such thorough reviews!

Signing up

Signing up for Feabie.com is a breeze! All you need to do is enter some basic information, such as your name and email address, and you’re good to go. You also have the option of signing in with Facebook if that’s easier for you. The registration process doesn’t take long – just a few minutes at most – so it’s super convenient!

Once registered on the app, users are asked to provide more detailed information about themselves like their age (you must be 18 or older), gender identity, body type preferences etc., which helps create an accurate profile page that other members can view when they search through potential matches. It might seem tedious but trust me – this part of the sign-up process isn’t too bad because there are plenty of helpful tips along the way plus auto-fill options available if needed. Plus it only takes five minutes tops before everything’s all set up!

The best thing about registering on Feabie? It won’t cost ya anything – nada zilch zero dollars…it’s totally free!! Once signed in though keep in mind that although messaging people within the app itself may not require payment depending on what services/features each user has access too will depend whether fees apply or not so make sure you check out those details first before sending any messages off into cyberspace!.

In conclusion I’d say signing up with Feabie was pretty painless overall; no complicated forms or lengthy questionnaires required here folks–just fill out some simple info then bam!, next stop: finding yourself someone special online dating stylee!! To sum things up quickly below are 5 points outlining what exactly needs doing when registering onto this nifty little social networking site:

• Must be over 18 years old • Enter personal details including Name & Email Address • Provide additional data regarding Gender Identity & Body Type Preferences • Sign In via Facebook optional feature • No Fees Required

  • To register on Feabie.com, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • A profile picture
  • A description of yourself
  • Your age and gender
  • Your location

Feabie.com features

Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that promises the world but delivers nothing, then Feabie.com is definitely worth checking out! I recently tried it out and was seriously disappointed with what they had to offer.

First of all, let’s talk about their free features – or lack thereof. You can create an account and browse other users’ profiles on Feabie without paying anything; however, that’s pretty much where your "free" options end. If you want to send messages or use any of the advanced search filters available on this site (which are quite limited), then you’ll have to upgrade your membership plan by shelling out some cash first! Not cool at all in my opinion…

As far as paid features go: there really isn’t too much offered here either – just basic messaging capabilities plus access to additional search filters such as age range preferences and location-based searches which aren’t even particularly useful since most people don’t list their exact locations when creating accounts anyway… so not sure how helpful those would be anyways? And unfortunately there doesn’t seem like any unique feature sets available here – no games/quizzes/forums etc., which might make things more interesting than just sending generic messages back & forth between members… yawnnnn!!

All in all though – overall experience wasn’t great & certainly wouldn’t recommend it unless someone was desperate enough for companionship they were willing overlook its lackluster offerings 😉

  • Ability to filter users by body type, interests, and lifestyle preferences
  • An extensive messaging system with options for private messaging and group chat
  • A variety of photo sharing options
  • The ability to post and comment on blog posts
  • Option to create events and invite other users to join

Help & Support

Feabie.com is a dating app that claims to provide users with an enjoyable and safe online experience, but when it comes to support, they’re falling short of the mark. If you need help on Feabie, don’t expect much – their response time is abysmal at best! There’s no page for frequently asked questions either so if you have any issues or queries about how the site works then good luck getting them answered in a timely manner (if at all).

I’ve tried contacting support myself a couple of times now and I can tell you from personal experience that there was nothing satisfactory about my experiences. The first time around I sent out an email enquiry but never heard back – not even after waiting weeks for some kind of reply! Then later on I decided to try again using their live chat feature only this time things were even worse; turns out nobody was manning the desk which left me feeling totally frustrated and helpless.

It really doesn’t give off great vibes when your customer service team isn’t available 24/7 like other sites do nowadays – especially ones offering such sensitive services as those related to online dating platforms like Feabie does… So yeah overall it looks like user-support wise they’re pretty much non-existent here which makes me think twice before recommending this website or its associated mobile apps anytime soon…

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers safety and security, Feabie.com is not the one to go with! While it might seem like an attractive option at first glance, when you dig deeper into its features and policies, there are some major red flags.

For starters, Feabie does not have any verification process in place for users – meaning anyone can sign up without having to prove their identity or age. This makes it incredibly easy for bots and fake accounts to slip through the cracks undetected which could lead unsuspecting daters down a dangerous path of potential scams or worse yet – catfishing! And if that wasn’t bad enough? There’s no two-step authentication either so your account isn’t even secure from hackers trying to access your personal information… yikes!

Another issue I noticed while reviewing this site was how they handle photos: They don’t manually review them before being posted on profiles which means anyone can post whatever images they want regardless of whether they’re appropriate or not… Not cool at all if ya ask me. Lastly (and perhaps most importantly) is their privacy policy – It seems pretty basic but lacks details about what kind of data is collected by third parties such as advertisers etc., leaving us wondering exactly who has our info out there floating around cyberspace…. scary stuff indeed!!

All in all my verdict would be steer clear from using Feabie unless you want risk getting caught up in something potentially shady.. In short – proceed with caution folks!!!


Feabie.com is a dating app that has been around for some time, but it’s not the most cost-effective way to find love online. While there are free features available on Feabie, they’re quite limited and you’ll need to pay up if you want access to all of its features – which isn’t cheap! The paid subscription plans range from $9.99 per month (for three months) up to $29.99 per month (for one year). That’s pretty steep compared with other dating apps out there; so unless your heart is set on using this particular service then I’d suggest looking elsewhere for better value for money! That said, paying customers do get more bang for their buck as they can use advanced search filters such as location and interests plus have unlimited messaging privileges – so at least it does offer something extra in return…just be prepared to fork out a bit more cash than usual if you decide this site is right for you!

Plan | Price | Features

Free | $0 | Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for members, Send messages Premium | $9.99/month | All Free features, Unlimited messaging, View who’s interested in you, See who viewed your profile Plus | $19.99/month | All Premium features, Ad-free experience, Advanced search filters, Get priority customer support

Similar Apps

Alternative dating apps to Feabie.com include Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge. These popular apps offer users the opportunity to meet potential partners through swiping or messaging features.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those interested in forming meaningful relationships and friendships.
  • Best for individuals seeking a community of like-minded people to connect with.


1. Is Feabie.com worth it?

I tried Feabie.com and it was a huge waste of time – I didn’t meet anyone worthwhile, the matches were terrible and there wasn’t much activity on the app. It’s definitely not worth it in my opinion!

2. Does Feabie.com have a mobile app?

No, Feabie.com does not have a mobile app which is really disappointing. It would be great to be able to access the site on my phone instead of having to log in from my laptop all the time. Definitely need an app for this one!

3. Is Feabie.com trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust Feabie.com – it’s not very secure and there have been some reports of people having bad experiences on the app. Plus, I’m not sure how well they monitor who is using their service so you never know who you’re talking to online. Bottom line: be careful if you decide to use this dating app!

4. What are Feabie.com alternatives?

Feabie.com is definitely not the best dating app out there, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship. There are much better alternatives like OkCupid or Bumble that offer more features and a larger user base so you can find someone who’s right for you. Stick with those instead of Feabie if you’re looking for something real!

Rachel DeAlto

Rachel DeAlto is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She's passionate about sharing her knowledge with others, so they can have the best possible experience when it comes to finding their perfect match. A native of Philadelphia, Rachel graduated from Temple University with a degree in psychology and counseling before beginning her career as an online dating coach. After years of providing advice to singles looking for love on various platforms, she decided to start writing reviews on different sites and apps that could help guide users towards making better decisions while navigating the world of digital romance. In addition to being featured in numerous publications such as The New York Times Magazine, Elle Magazine UK & USA Today Network – Rachel also appears regularly on TV shows like Good Morning America discussing all things related to modern-day relationships including tips for successful virtual dates during quarantine! Her podcast “Love In Progress” features conversations between experts exploring topics ranging from polyamory trends among millennials; self-love; communication skills within partnerships; plus much more! Rachel’s mission is simple: To provide readers with accurate information about today's most popular dating services so they can make informed choices based upon their individual needs & preferences - ultimately leading them down the path towards true happiness through connection & companionship!

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