Home » Is SaucyDates the Ideal Place for Singles Seeking Love?

Is SaucyDates the Ideal Place for Singles Seeking Love?

Are you ready to find your perfect match? SaucyDates is here to help! But don’t just take our word for it – let’s dive into the review and see if this dating site lives up to its name. Does SaucyDates have what it takes when it comes to finding a compatible partner, or will users be left feeling disappointed? Let’s explore all of the features that make this site unique and determine whether or not SaucyDates can deliver on its promise.


If you’re looking for a dating site, SaucyDates is not the one! It’s definitely not worth your time or money. Think of it like this: if all other sites are five-star restaurants and fancy hotels, then SaucyDates would be more like fast food – greasy and unsatisfying. You might get something out of it but in the end you’ll just feel disappointed that you wasted your time on such an inferior product. Plus, there aren’t many active users so don’t expect to find someone special here anytime soon – unless they happen to have been around since dinosaurs roamed the earth!

SaucyDates in 10 seconds

  • SaucyDates is a dating site that helps people find matches based on their preferences.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • SaucyDates offers several pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and annual subscriptions start at $6.66 per month.
  • SaucyDates has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of SaucyDates is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • SaucyDates takes privacy and security seriously, offering a secure platform for its users.
  • Users can also access special features such as private messaging and video chat.
  • SaucyDates also provides a “Safe Mode” which allows users to block or report suspicious profiles.
  • SaucyDates also offers a “Hot or Not” game which allows users to rate potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive navigation.
  • Lots of options for finding the perfect match.
  • Secure platform with advanced privacy settings.
  • Limited user base in certain areas.
  • Not the most intuitive design.
  • Some users may not be serious about dating.
  • Fewer features than other sites offer.
  • Lack of customer support options available.

How we reviewed SaucyDates

As an online dating expert, I take my reviews seriously. That’s why when it came to reviewing SaucyDates, I didn’t just look at the surface – I dove in deep and gave it a thorough test run. My team and I started by testing out both free and paid versions of the site so we could get a good sense of what was offered with each version. We then spent several days sending messages back-and-forth between ourselves (we sent over 500 messages!) as well as other users on the platform to really get into how conversations worked on this particular site compared to others like it. After that, we took some time exploring all of its features including search filters, profile creation tools, messaging capabilities etc., making sure not even one stone was left unturned during our review process! We also made sure that any issues or concerns raised by other reviewers were addressed properly before coming up with our final opinion about SaucyDates – something which sets us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive reviews! All in all though; after spending countless hours researching every nook & cranny within this website – there’s no doubt in my mind that SaucyDates is worth checking out if you’re looking for love online!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that will help you get lucky in love, SaucyDates isn’t it. The user profiles on this site are so basic and unappealing that they make online dating seem like more of a chore than an adventure.

For starters, the profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or subscribing to anything – not exactly ideal if privacy is your thing! You also don’t have the option to set any custom bios either – meaning all users look pretty much identical with no way of standing out from the crowd. Plus there’s no indication as to how far away someone lives from you either – making finding potential dates close by even harder!

The location info provided on each profile was quite limited too; although some members did provide their country and city name, others only listed their state/region leaving me guessing where they were located geographically speaking (not cool). Even worse though was that I couldn’t find any options available for hiding my own personal information such as address or phone number – definitely something worth considering when choosing a reputable online dating platform.

Speaking of features, one would expect at least some kind of benefit associated with having a premium subscription but unfortunately none seemed apparent here; unless being able to message other members counts? But then again most sites offer free messaging these days anyway…so yeah..no biggie there really!

Last but certainly not least I encountered several fake accounts while testing out SaucyDates which made me feel totally scammed and completely put off using it altogether – talk about adding insult injury right?! So overall this experience left me feeling deflated rather than delighted…and let’s face it who wants THAT kinda vibe when trying out an online dating service!? Not ME thats for sure!!

SaucyDates features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to “spice up your love life,” then SaucyDates is not the one. While it does offer some features – both free and paid – they don’t really live up to their claims of making things more exciting.

Let’s start with the free features: You can create an account, browse other users’ profiles, send messages (but only if you upgrade), receive messages from premium members and view photos uploaded by other users. That’s about it; there are no unique or interesting features on this platform at all! Plus, most of these functions aren’t even available unless you pay for them anyway… so why bother?

The paid membership options also leave something to be desired. The basic plan offers unlimited messaging but doesn’t include any additional perks like video chat or profile highlighting; while the advanced package adds those extras plus priority customer service support – which isn’t exactly thrilling either way! All in all though, neither option seems worth its price tag when compared with what else is out there on the market today…especially considering how limited SaucyDates’ offerings actually are.

Overall I’d say stay away from this website if you’re serious about finding someone special online – because chances are slim that anything will come out of using it anyways! There just aren’t enough quality tools here for anyone who wants real results fast…and without having to shell out too much cash in order do get them either

  • Private messaging and chat rooms
  • Video and audio calling
  • Ability to upload photos and videos
  • Advanced search filters
  • Anonymous browsing

Security & Safety

SaucyDates is a dating app that has been around for some time, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for safety and security. The site doesn’t have any verification process in place to make sure the users are who they say they are, so there’s no way of knowing whether or not someone is telling the truth about their identity. There also isn’t much done to fight against bots and fake accounts – which means your chances of encountering one on SaucyDates could be pretty high. And unfortunately, there’s no two-step verification option available either – meaning even more potential risk when using this platform.

The photos aren’t manually reviewed either – so you can’t guarantee that what people post actually looks like them in real life! That said, its privacy policy does seem relatively secure – although I still wouldn’t trust it too far as with all online platforms these days; nothing ever seems completely safe from prying eyes anymore… Ugh!

All things considered then? Not impressed at all by SaucyDate’s approach to safety and security measures (or lack thereof). If you want something reliable where your data won’t get into the wrong hands then look elsewhere because this ain’t gonna cut it buddy!

Signing up

If you’re looking for a date, SaucyDates is the place to be! Registration on this dating site couldn’t be easier. All it takes is a few clicks and before you know it, your profile will be up and running. The minimum age requirement to register with SaucyDates is 18 years old so make sure that’s all squared away first.

Once you’ve checked off that box, head over to the website homepage where there are two options: "Sign Up" or "Login". If this isn’t your first time using the service then select Login but if not – click Sign Up! From here things get even simpler; just fill out some basic information such as name (or nickname), email address and create a password of at least 8 characters long which includes one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number/symbol character combination for extra security measures. Then agree to their terms & conditions by ticking off the checkbox below them – no need to read through those pesky fine prints unless ya want too 😉 Afterwards comes probably my favorite part of registration process- picking an avatar photo! Here’s where I can let my creative juices flow free because they offer tons of fun emojis like cats wearing sunglasses or dancing aliens…you get what I’m saying? And don’t worry about any fees either since signing up with Saucy Dates doesn’t cost anything – hooray!! Once everything looks good hit “Create Account” button in bottom right corner…and voila!!! You have successfully registered yourself onto SaucyDates website 🙂 Now go forth young padawan into world full o’ possibilities waiting just around da corner….

  • These are the requirements to register on SaucyDates:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location (optional)
  • Your sexual orientation (optional)


SaucyDates isn’t free, but you can get a taste of what they have to offer with their basic membership. However, if you want the full experience then it’s time to open your wallet and pay up! The paid subscription prices are not competitive at all – in fact they’re pretty steep. Sure, there are some benefits that come along with getting a premium account such as being able to see who has viewed your profile or sending unlimited messages; however these perks don’t make up for the hefty price tag. All in all I wouldn’t recommend signing up for SaucyDates unless you really need those extra features – otherwise stick with something more budget-friendly!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Plus $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, Private photos, Advanced search filters
VIP $19.99/month All Plus features, Priority customer service, Exclusive access to events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SaucyDates include OkCupid, Match.com, eHarmony and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features for users looking for meaningful relationships or casual dating experiences.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore casual dating
  • Best for those seeking a no-strings attached relationship
  • Best for people who are open to exploring new relationships and experiences


1. Is SaucyDates safe?

SaucyDates is definitely not safe. I wouldn’t recommend it at all – there are way too many sketchy people on the site and you never know who you’re talking to. It’s better to stick with a more reputable dating service if safety is your priority.

2. What is SaucyDates?

SaucyDates is a dating site that encourages people to be overly sexual and forward with each other. It’s not the best place for finding meaningful connections, as it focuses more on hookups than anything else. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend SaucyDates if you’re looking for something serious.

3. How does SaucyDates website work?

SaucyDates is a dating site that makes it easy to find people looking for casual encounters. It’s not the most reputable website and I wouldn’t recommend it; there are better options out there. The interface isn’t great either, so you’ll have trouble navigating around the site.

4. Is SaucyDates a scam?

No, SaucyDates is not a scam. However, I found it to be unreliable and full of fake profiles. Overall, my experience with the site was quite disappointing.

Larry Michel

Larry Michel is an online dating expert and passionate writer. He has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years, providing insight into which ones are worth your time. He grew up in a small town in Ohio, but he always had big dreams of exploring the world beyond his hometown. After graduating from high school, Larry attended college at The University of Cincinnati where he earned a degree in Communications with an emphasis on media studies and public relations. During this time Larry developed a keen interest in technology-driven communication platforms such as social media networks that were just beginning to emerge around him - sparking his curiosity about how people interacted within these virtual spaces.. This fascination led him to explore different ways people used digital tools like websites or applications for connecting with others – specifically those designed for romantic relationships – leading him down the path towards becoming an online dating expert today! As part of his research process when reviewing different services out there, Larry actively uses them himself so that he can provide more informed opinions based off first-hand experience rather than solely relying upon other user’s feedback alone; allowing readers get reliable information before they make any decisions regarding their own love lives!

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